Japan Twitter Trends | Twitter Trending Topics & Hashtags Today

Trends Last Updated 1 second ago.
1 #イシナガキクエを探しています
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2 #乃木坂スター誕生
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3 #キュウゴー
4 #東雲絵名誕生祭2024
5 #アンメット
6 イラク戦
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7 第830回
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8 たまちゃん写真集
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9 ウズベキスタン
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10 Qちゃん
11 ルイ姉90万人
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12 三瓶先生
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13 鈴木千裕
14 ガリさん
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15 ムファサ
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16 大畑スタメン
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17 猪狩くん
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18 バースデー撮影完了
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19 オリンピック出場
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20 珠ちゃん
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21 アディショナルタイム16分
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22 石見舞菜香さん
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23 バースデースーツ
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24 別の人の彼女
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25 弓場ちゃん
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26 パリ行き
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27 インドネシア先制
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28 絵名誕生日
29 アンセム
30 スタァライト7周年
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31 吉村先生
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32 ドラゴンボール最高
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33 ガラスペン
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34 フェイクドキュメンタリー
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35 櫻井キャスター
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36 駒木根くん
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37 名ちゃん
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38 ゲゲゲの謎
39 高次脳機能障害
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40 橋口さん
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41 風林火山
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43 naviさん
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44 ミヤビちゃん
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45 ワープロ
46 Wordle 1,046
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47 #ijuin
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48 #阪口珠美1st写真集
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49 #山田裕貴ANN
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50 #遊木真誕生祭2024
Updated every 30 min

This page shows you the latest trending hashtags and topics in Japan. This page automatically pulls the latest trending hashtags and topics in Japan every 30 minutes from twitter using the official Twitter API, so you can see the latest trending hashtags or topics that are trending right now on Twitter. People are using hashtags on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook to show how they feel about Japan today. You may also wish to bookmark this page to receive updates regarding the latest Twitter trends in Japan.

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of daily active users. It is a great platform to stay updated on current events, connect with people who share your interests, and express yourself. Twitter’s trends are one of the most interesting things about it.


Kitakyushu Saitama Chiba Fukuoka Hamamatsu Hiroshima Kawasaki Kobe Kumamoto Nagoya Niigata Sagamihara Sapporo Sendai Takamatsu Tokyo Yokohama


Twitter trends are hashtags that are being tweeted about more than any other hashtag at a given time. It is possible to find trends everywhere in the world, including in Japan. They can be about news events, sports, entertainment, or anything else people want to talk about.

Hashtags, which are shown by the “#” symbol, group tweets based on specific topics or words. They help users connect with conversations about their interests.

Twitter popularity is found by how many times a hashtag is tweeted, how many people are using it, and how much people are interested in it. Tweets that are retweeted, liked, and replied to are more likely to trend.

Twitter also uses an algorithm to find and promote topics that are trending. This algorithm looks at a number of things, such as how popular the topic is, how relevant it is to Twitter users, and how good the tweets are about the topic.

Features of Trends Hashtags

Trending hashtags are hashtags that are currently being used a lot on social media. They can be about anything, such as current events, holidays, pop culture, and more.

Here are some of the features of trending hashtags:

  • They are popular: People use popular hashtags on social media. If you use a trending hashtag in your post, other people are more likely to see it.
  • They are relevant: Current events or popular topics are often relevant to trending hashtags. This means that people who are interested in those topics will search for hashtags that are popular.
  • Frequent updates: Trending hashtags can change quickly, depending on what is happening in the Japan. This means you need to know what hashtags are popular, so you can use them in your posts.

How to Use Twitter Trends

There are a number of ways to use Twitter trends. Here are a few tips:

💠 Follow Trending Hashtags in Japan

This is a great way to stay up-to-date on current events and discover new topics that you might be interested in. Follow hashtags to find out what people are talking about and join in the conversation.

💠 Tweet About Trending Topics

If you have something interesting to say about a trending topic, tweet about it! This is a good way to meet people who care about the same thing and share your thoughts and ideas. You can also use trending hashtags in your tweets to increase their visibility.

💠 Use Trending Hashtags in Your Marketing Campaigns

If you are a business, you can use trending hashtags to promote your products and services to a wider audience. By incorporating popular hashtags into your marketing campaigns, you can reach more people and increase your brand awareness.

💠 Monitor Twitter Trends for Customer Service

If you are a business, you can monitor Twitter trends to see if people are talking about your company or products. If you see any negative feedback, you can address it promptly. By engaging with your customers on Twitter, you can improve your customer service and build stronger relationships with them.


What is the frequency at which trends change on Twitter?

Twitter trends change frequently, depending on what people are talking about in recent times.

Can I create my own Twitter trend?

You can make your own Twitter trend by using a special hashtag and asking others to use it in their tweets.

Do I need to use hashtags to participate in Twitter trends?

Using hashtags can help your tweets be more visible in a particular conversation, but you don’t have to use them to join a Twitter trend.

How can I use Trends Hashtags to enhance my social media strategy in Japan?

If you keep an eye on what people in Japan are interested in and use popular hashtags, you can make your social media plan better, get more people involved, and connect with them better.


In conclusion, Twitter trends are a good way to keep up with current events in Japan, find new topics, and connect with others on Twitter. By following trending hashtags in Japan, and using them in your marketing campaigns, you can reach a bigger audience.

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